Friday, February 10, 2017

Is Shawn Mendes Gay?

Okay. Everyone is curious about this handsome boy for sure! People have referred to him as the "second coming of Justin Bieber", "Cute Canadian Singer" etc etc.

Let's be honest here. He is VERY VERY HOT. Very cute, handsome. But the important question is.....

Is Shawn Mendes gay?

Shawn responded to the gay rumors in 2016, saying ...

"I don’t usually do this and bring up problems, but I was on YouTube watching some of my interviews and I was going down the comments and noticed a lot of people were saying I give them a gay vibe," explained the 18-year-old singer.

"First of all, I’m not gay," said Shawn. "Second of all, it shouldn’t make a difference if I was or if I wasn’t. The focus should be on the music not my sexuality."

He also said "99 percent" of the commenters weren't "making assumptions" about his sexuality. He added, "But this is just for the 1 percent of you that are."

"Before you judge someone on the way they speak or act, I want you guys to think, 'Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be judging someone,' or 'It actually shouldn’t even matter. They can do or be, or feel, how they want to feel.'"

Shawn Mendes reiterated that it's not the gay rumors that bothered him, it's the implication that homosexuality is wrong.

"I'm not frustrated because people were saying I was gay at all," he said. "I have no problem with that cause it wouldn’t make a difference to me. I'm frustrated because in this day and age, people have the audacity to write online that I'm gay as if it were a bad thing."

I'M NOT GAY!!! SHAWN MENDES DENIES GAY RUMOURS after reading YouTube comments:

IN CONCLUSION: For now, I will just accept Shawn's confession that he is not gay. I like how he said that being gay is NOT a bad thing. He's very open minded guy and very happy he is very successful in his career. He's still very young so he MIGHT find out he is interested in guys in the future but for now, SHAWN MENDES is most likely straight!

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