Friday, November 9, 2012

Is Jake Gyllenhaal gay, bisexual or straight?

This is one of the most asked questions in Hollywood. Is Jake Gyllenhaal gay, bisexual or straight? Well, to tell you the truth. I do not know but I will try to give my opinion on whether he is gay or straight. Jake is one of the hottest men in Hollywood. He is also a great actor.

WHAT JAKE GYLLENHAAL HIMSELF SAID: Jake talked about the rumors on Thursday's "Jimmy Kimmel Live,'' namely his relationship with his best friend, who most people mistake for his boyfriend. "When I won the BAFTA, he was sitting right next to me and he said ''Yeah baby' and everyone was so taken aback," Gyllenhaal said.

ADAM LEVINE on Jake Gyllenhaal's sexuality: "I've known this dude forever. He's one of my oldest friends, and it's very weird that they have this -- it's very immature and infantile the way they treat his whole situation. If him hanging out with his bros means he's gay, it's like further perpetuating that weird homophobia that exists in our culture, which is just stupid."

WHAT DOES THE ORDINARY PEOPLE THINK? We randomly polled 10 ordinary people who follow Celebrity news and gossip and asked them if they think Jake is gay or straight. Here are their answers:

"No he isn't gay. He dated Reese Witherspoon for the longest time, people thought they were going to get married."

"He played Donnie Darko, so does that mean he's Donnie Darko?"


"Well he's had girlfriends in the past. but for all we know he could be hiding something, although there really isn't any evidence."


  1. Jake G. is so hot. I don't care if he's gay or not. I just want to see more of him shirtless.

  2. i want him inside me so bad.

  3. I gotta admit I questioned him a little after brokeback moutntain but I guess that shows how good of an actor he is. I don't date white guys but uhhhh.......I would give him the business and marry him.

    1. Seriously ? Do you start 5th grade next year ? infantile comment.

  4. i love him i dont care of he kissed a guy i love that bitch

  5. He strikes me as unassigned...born a male...undecided within.
